LAR2012-04-08 22:20:19

递交申请以前也在这里及P老师那里查询过. 有人说帮父亲申请GC需要父母结婚证明/公证, 有人说不需要. 我就将父亲(已退休多年)原单位出的结婚证明和依照P老师所说的我自己certified的英文翻译递交了. 另外, 我有一份我和父亲的亲属关系公证, 但没有提交, 因为其不能对我的父子关系提供比我的出生公证更多的信息. 父亲几个月前已经打过指纹, 现在突然收到补材料通知, Marriage certificate (详细见下). 父母的结婚证书早已不知去向. 我母亲已于几年前去世 (在父亲原单位出的结婚证明中已说名了这点). 我已经递交了我的出生公证, 上面显示有我父母亲的名字 - 显然该移民官认为我的出生公证不足以证明我和父亲的关系, 而父亲原单位出据的证明只能作为Secondary evidence.




这里有人说先到单位或派出所出据夫妻关系证明,然后到公证处公证夫妻关系. 这算是结婚公证吧, 可以代替其指定要的Marriage Certificate?


怎么样写夫妻关系证明才算是符合其要求 “The marriage certificate must show that the marriage was registered or recorded by civil authorities after the marriage ceremony took place”?  父亲原单位出的证明是这样写的: 证明 兹有我公司退休人员 先生与 女士于 日在某地结婚.  女士因病已于 日去世 (+公司名称,日期及公章).








(补材料通知) Request for evidence –I-130 petition

The petitioner submitted an affidavit, not a notorial certificate of marriage to prove his parents marriage and legitimation. The affidavit is considered secondary evidence, and cannot be considered until primary evidence such as the notorial certificate of marriage has been submitted.


The petitioner is seeking to establish a qualifying relationship based on a father/child relationship. It is not clear if the petitioner was born in wedlock. As such, the evidence submitted is not sufficient to establish eligibility at this time. Therefore, the petitioner must submit the following:


Born in Wedlock:

If the petitioner was born in wedlock, submit the marriage certificate for the petitioner’s natural parents. The marriage certificate must show that the marriage was registered or recorded by civil authorities after the marriage ceremony took place. Also, if either or both of the child’s natural parents were previously married, submit evidence of the legal termination of all prior marriages before their marriage occurred.


Other Cases are Legitimation (born before parents’ marriage) and Born out of wedlock (parents were not married) do not apply to me.

8632112012-04-09 01:07:50
回复:请教8老师,P老师等: 帮八十单身父亲申请GC, Request for Evidence: Marriage Certi
LAR2012-04-09 02:25:01
LAR2012-04-09 02:38:00
再烦问8老师: 怎么写才可符合其要求
8632112012-04-09 03:27:15
回复:再烦问8老师: 怎么写才可符合其要求
LAR2012-04-09 03:55:14