J1scholarw2003-11-02 05:43:00
I have been a J1 research scholar in US two and a half years.My wife and kid are J2s and my wife has been employed with EAD by a couple of employers for two years in US. Now I am trying to be a Ph.D student, the school which privides me an RA position asked me what visa I want to seek, J1 student or F1? I hope my wife later could be a self- support student to get a master degree.I am not sure which one is better,how to consider the difference between.
1,Could some DAXIA give me a guidance? .
2,If I choose F1 , do I still subject to two years requirement when I get visa?
3, Is it better toget visa in Mexico than in China.Thank you!

Suggest!!2003-11-02 21:03:00
回复:J1》F1orJ1 student?
J1scholarw2003-11-03 19:17:00
回复:回复:J1》F1orJ1 student?