zzyong652012-10-16 20:37:19

NVC Case Number: GIJZ2O 12666032
The National Visa Center (NyC) is informing you that PU WANG may qua1if’ for a benefit under the
Child Citizenship Act of 2000. The Child Citizenship Act of 2000, also known as the CCA, greatly
streamlines the process by which foreign-born children of U.S. citizen parents can become U.S. citizens
when they did not acquire citizenship at birth.
the CCA, which applies to both adopted and biological children of U.S. citizens, amends Section 320 of
the Immigration and Nationality Act (“mA”) to provide for the automatic acquisition of U.S. citizenship
when certain conditions have been met. Specifically, these conditions are:
I. One parcnt is a U.S. citizen by birth or through naturalization;
2. The child is under the age of 18; and
3. The child is residing in the United States as a lawful permanent resident alien and is in the legal
and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent.
Automatic naturalization is just that—automatic. There is no application or ceremony required. If the
child satisfies the above requirements while still under age 18, the child becomes a U.S. cilizen by
operation of law. In order to meet these requirements, the child identified in this case would need to
complete his or her immigrant visa processing and enter the U.S. on that immigrant visa,
accompanied by the U.S. citizen parent, prior to the child’s 18Ih birthday.
To ensure that this case meets the qualifications for this benefit, all fees must be paid, all required
documentation is completed and rnailcd to the NyC as soon as possible in order to ensure that the
immigrant visa interview may be held and the applicant enter the United States prior to their 18th
Failure to respond to NYC’s requests for fees and documentation will delay the processing of this case
and the applicant may lose this important benefit under the CCA. If the applicant enters the United
States after their 18th birthday they will have to wait at least five years to apply for U.S. citizenship.
Please contact the NVC with any questions you may have.
E-mail The NVC’s e-mail address is nvcinquirystate.gov.
In order to ensure a prompt response:
* The Subject Line of the e-mail should contain the relevant NyC Case number.
* Provide the applicant’s name and date of birth, and the petitioner’s name and
date of birth.
‘ If the petition is employment-based, include the company/organization name.
* Reference only one case, and include your name at the end of the e-mail.
24 Hour An automated recorded message system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to
Information answer case status inquiries (603-334-0700).
Note: this service requires the use ofa touch-tone telephone.
Customer Customer Service Representatives are available Monday through Friday-from 7:30AM
Service to 12:00AM Eastern Time (603-334-0700).
Note: this service requires the use of a touch-tone telephone.
Postal Mail National Visa Center
31 Rochester Avenue, Suite 200
Portsmouth, NH 0380 1-2909
Only during the visa interview can a Consular Officer make a final determination that the applicant is
qualified for this benefit under the CCA. Please do not delay in responding to all requests from NyC so
that NVC may set your immigrant visa appointment prior to the applicant’s 18th birthday.
The Department of State is pleased to be playing a positive role in the lives of so many children and
their parents, and we welcome our new fellow citizens into the larger American family.
zzyong652012-10-16 20:38:28
8632112012-10-16 23:03:48
zzyong652012-10-17 00:09:45
I will do that according your suggestion. Thanks!
8632112012-10-17 03:16:25
By the way,
zzyong652012-10-17 05:04:05