dream_20002012-11-01 22:23:32

When I obtained my initial EAD/AP card in March 2012, I was working under TN visa which expired at the end of Oct 2012. Since then,I have been using H1-B working for the same company.Just want to be on the safe side, I would like to renew my EAD/AP combo card in Nov. I have never left US since I received my EAD/AP card.I have 2 questions for I-765.

Question 1: What's my "current immigration status"? Parolee or H1-B worker?

Question 2: Should I sumbmit a copy of my H1-B as supporting document? I did not have it when I filed my EAD/AP application back in March.

Many thanks to you.

8632112012-11-01 23:27:24
回复:请教8老师和皮匠老师: EAD/AP Renewal 问题