rosemaryrose2004-11-07 21:01:10
Can anyone help to give your opinions for the following questions? THX:
1. What's the legal time gap between H1 and F1? i.e., after laid-off of H1, how soon the application of F1 should be filed?
2. can anyone provide a sample of explanation letter, which helped to change H1 to F1 successfully?
3. Do I need to show I don't have immigration intention? As you know, H1 allows us to do so, however F1 doesn't.
question!2004-11-08 02:42:19
回复:H1 to F1 question
stupid88882004-11-08 05:06:03
回复:回复:H1 to F1 question
stupid88882004-11-08 05:13:44
回复:H1 to F1 question
rosemaryro2004-11-08 07:39:14
Thank you very much!!!
rosemaryro2004-11-08 07:50:19
回复:回复:H1 to F1 question
rosemaryro2004-11-08 07:54:17
回复:回复:H1 to F1 question
ieieiieie2004-11-08 15:32:31
回复:回复:回复:H1 to F1 question