daichiba2012-11-26 20:04:16

Does anyone know Visa office of Chinese Consulate of Chicago open on Dec 31, 2012? Plan to go there to apply the visa for my son? I cannt find any information from their website.

6032012-11-26 23:02:43
回复:Chinese Consulate Hour in Chicago
Bodd2012-11-26 23:35:41
还是你查得不够仔细吧,能查到的。我帮你查了下,详情见内:——回复:Chinese Consulate Hour in Chica
daichiba2012-11-27 18:18:22
回复:还是你查得不够仔细吧,能查到的。我帮你查了下,详情见内:——回复:Chinese Consulate Hour in Ch
daichiba2012-11-27 18:20:41
回复:回复:Chinese Consulate Hour in Chicago