-It is fine because you still have a 60-day grace period of F-1 after your OPT expires. As long as you file H-1 petition before the grace period ends, you will be fine. I suggest you to use premium processing to get the H-1B approved in 15 days so that you can work quickly.
8老师,现在的情况是这样的。有家非营利性机构想雇佣我,但我的GRACE PERIOD是2月中旬到期;对方机构咨询了律师,说,现在申请H1B只能是4月1号才能审批,虽然非营利性机构不受名额限制。从2月中旬到4月1号期 间,我的身份就有问题,必须采取其他方式延我的身份。不知道对方的说法是否正确?但这又与您的说法有差别。请问应该是怎么样的呢?