芝城散人2013-02-17 18:45:21


“Submit evidende of your employment authorization in the U.S. from September 2, 2009 to September 12, 2010. Such evidence may include copies of:

Employment Authorization Documents (Forms I-688 or I-766) granted to you by this Service;

Form I-797 approval notice, showing you were granted status in an employment-authorized nonimmigrant classification; and/or

Copies of Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Records showing you were admitted to the U.S.in an employment-authorized nonimmigrant status.

1. 我当初进美国是F-1,以后虽转为H-1,但一直没有离开过美国,所以并没有H-1的入境纪录。在H-1批准的那张纸下面印有一个H-1的i-94表。请问给移民局这张表可以吗?还是应该连F-1的i-94也一起给了?

2. 不明白移民局为什么要我三年前的工卡和六年前I-140的批准信而不要当前的材料。请问移民局以后还会跟我要别的材料吗(我的排期当前)?我该不该把现在的工资单和税表也一起交了,省得过后再跟我要材料。


8632112013-02-17 19:14:45
芝城散人2013-02-18 01:58:13