蝶澈2013-03-13 17:30:42


Part3 Additional Information

3.Give the following information about the principal beneficiary of the original petition or application 


      2,Home address,这里填我申请485时的地址还是我现在的地址?

      3,Mailing address, 我申请485的时候填的是律师的地址,这次应该怎么填?

4. If you have checked box C in Part2,give the following information about the dependents for who you are requesting following -to-join.If you need additional space , attach a separate sheet lf paper

问题:Foreign Address是填中文地址,还是英文?空格很短必须填详细地址吗? 填不下怎么办?

第一次自己填表, 问题太多,望二位老师不吝赐教,谢谢!

8632112013-03-14 01:19:41
回复:请教8老师,皮老师, 关于I-824 填表问题
蝶澈2013-03-14 14:04:29