pythonpython2013-03-17 02:06:35


Thank you for contacting us about your case. Only the officer
reviewing your case can make the corrections that you have requested.
We have forwarded your concerns to your file and they will be reviewed
by the officer at the time of adjudication. No corrections have been
made at this time, we regret the inconvenience.

现在担心,如果按照LDNov 16, 2011PD,不知道猴年马月LDI485才能被officer 抽出来review。但是按照Feb 6, 2008PD,应该current了。请问还有什么办法么?



最近485终于current了,但是突然发现Priority date好像有问题。

我是副申请人,485收据上PDFeb 6, 2008.

LD是主申请人, 485收据上PDNov 16, 2011.

在我们file485之后,LD前面的公司被现在的公司合并,所以换了新的140.好像我的PDLD老的140的日期,而LD的新的140PD。请问是不是要做个service request纠正一下LDPD? 多谢!


8632112013-03-17 15:29:20
回复:继续请教:485 PD error,该怎么办?
pythonpython2013-03-17 17:47:24
回复:回复:继续请教:485 PD error,该怎么办?
8632112013-03-17 19:28:04
回复:回复:回复:继续请教:485 PD error,该怎么办?
pythonpython2013-03-17 21:49:35
回复:回复:回复:回复:继续请教:485 PD error,该怎么办?
8632112013-03-17 22:52:07
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:继续请教:485 PD error,该怎么办?
pythonpython2013-03-18 04:58:50
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:继续请教:485 PD error,该怎么办?
pythonpython2013-03-18 22:04:30
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:继续请教:485 PD error,该怎么办?