littleredhood2013-04-12 06:59:59
我妈妈自去年七月来一直在美(B2)。我们在去年十月搬家了。之前四年多次B2来美探亲,每次3-6个月。可以如下填G325A表吗? Line6 applicant residence in the past five years: my current US address 10/12-present my old US address 07/12-10/12 her Chinese home address 07/99-7/12 我想该项问的是“Residence”,可略过past B2 visits。让我疑惑纠结的是current B2 technically is still visit, not residence. When should the residence starts in the case of concurrent filing 130/485? 谢谢老师们答疑解惑。

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8632112013-04-12 18:04:04
回复:请教8老师和pjiang老师:G325A 问题为父母绿卡
LittleRedHood2013-04-16 21:53:57
Thanks a lot, 8老师!