情况是这样, 本人和老公都是加国护照, 两个小孩持有美国护照和加国枫叶卡。
今天早上我打电话到peace bridge 的CBP询问过境消息, 对方问我last name,first name, date of birth,
我讲了我的出生月份后, 就问:"do I have to tell you this? I just inquiring information。“
对方回答:“if you don't tell me , I cannot help you.
我说: " I am still in Toronto, and I am not crossing board. I don't feel comfortable to give me personal
information through telephone."
对方说:” you even don't want to tell me your birthday, I can't help you. Have a nice day!"
不明白US CBP 目的何在?