U.S. Consulate General
#1 Shamian South Street
Guangzhou, China 510133
Case Number: GUZXXX
Name (P) : XX,XXX
Preference Category: IR5 - CHIN
Traveling Applicants:
(P) XX,XXX 30 APR 19XX
IR, CR, IW, IB, K and SB1 visa applicants
Important: As of March 16, 2013, the U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou has implemented new visa application procedures. Under these new procedures, a number of services will be provided to visa applicants directly by our authorized partner, CGI Stanley. ALL applicants will need to register directly through CGI Stanley for visa interviews and passport delivery. Only those applicants who register through CGI Stanley will be able to receive their passport after their visa has been processed. Please follow the instructions below to schedule your visa interview appointment through CGI Stanley.
Dear Applicant, Petitioner, or Agent of record:
This office is ready to begin final processing of the immigrant visa applicant(s) named above in this case. Please follow these steps to schedule and prepare for your visa interview:
1. Once you receive this notice, please visit http://ustraveldocs.com and register a document pick-up location by selecting the “Select Document Delivery Address” option in the Immigrant Visas section of the website. If you have already registered, you do not need to register again. Failure to register prior to your visa interview will result in delay of your visa application.
2. Once registered, visit http://ustraveldocs.com and select “Schedule My Appointment” in the Immigrant Visas section of the website to schedule your visa interview appointment.
3. Once you have scheduled your appointment, download the Immigrant Visa Instruction Packet (or K visa Instruction Packet for K visa applicants) and follow the instructions inside it to prepare the necessary documents for your visa interview. Instruction packets can be found by selecting “Prepare Documents” in the Immigrant Visas section of http://ustraveldocs.com.
4. All applicants, regardless of age, must complete a medical exam and vaccination(s) with one of our designated panel physicians at least two weeks prior to the visa interview. (Please refer to the detailed instructions in the instruction packet.) Applicants must bring a copy of this letter with them to their medical exam.
5. On the scheduled date and time, the applicant(s) should come to the Consulate with all required documents and a copy of this letter. Applicants who do not bring a copy of this letter may not be allowed into the consulate for their interview.
You must now register and schedule an appointment through CGI Stanley. Failure to follow these instructions will result in delay of your visa application.
Please do not reply to this email. Any replies sent will not be received. If you have any questions, please use the following web site to contact us:http://guangzhou.usembassy-
Chief, Immigrant Visa Unit
The Chinese translation for this appointment letter is as follows:
IR, CR, IW, IB, K , SB1 类别的签证申请人
重要通知: 从2013年3月16日起, 美国驻广州总领事馆将实行移民签证申请的新程序。
1. 收到此通知后,所有签证申请人必须立即登陆签证申请服务网站ht
2. 登记完成后,所有签证申请人必须登陆同一网站选择“
3. 一旦你安排面谈时间后, 你必须从此网站上下载“移民签证申请说明”包裹,(K类签证申请
4. 请注意, 所有移民签证申请人,不论其年龄大小,均应在签证面谈至少两周前
5. 申请人应在安排好的面谈约见时间,带上此通知和面谈所需材料来到
请马上通过CGI Stanley登记并预约你的签证面谈。
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