I appiled green card for my parents. I submitted my Notarial birth certificates (the white book, with all the translation and seals, I used it for all my green card and citizenship without any problem) along with the application. Today I received a REF about my birth certificates. It says in the letter:
"Chinese notarial certifcates are consider to be secondary evidence. Therefore, one of the following offical documents must be submitted in support of the notarial certificates of birth for you and and the beneficiary:
1. Birth Certificate
2. Hospital certificates
3. Family Household Regisistry
4. Family Household Registry Form
5. Booklet issued by the Province's Health Department regarding the birth.
I was born in 60's and left China about in 1996. So I really have a hard time to produce any of the docs list above. Does anybody have similar experience and how did you guys overcome it?