形儿要上学2014-05-23 18:13:30

我在给父母办移民。听说最近经常有人遇到这样的问题:我的出生公证不足以我和父母之间的亲属关系,要另呈文件。This is the exact wording:
Chinese Notarial Certificates are considered to be secondary evidence. Therefore, at least one of the following official documents must be submitted in support of the notarial certificate of birth:
- Birth Certificate
- Hospital Certificate
- Family Household Registry
- Family Household Register Form
- Booklet issued by the Province's Health Department regarding the birth

咱们中国人没有birth certificate, 大家就提供户口本公证。我的情况是有我名字的那本户口本早就注销了,上面有个“作废”的戳。公证处只能提供户籍注销公证,见样本。但这不能证明我是我爸妈的闺女哈。请教8老师和有经验的同学们,有啥攻略对策?万分感谢!


8632112014-05-24 14:37:10
形儿要上学 2014-05-24 20:15:35