glueck2014-06-28 19:57:35

因为H1B 没搜到LOTTERY. 只能继续用CPT工作。

I am using full time CPT to work now. In fall term, the CPT can be only 20 hours a week.
How should the company show in the payroll that the work hours are 20 hours?
Should they pay half of my current salary?


8632112014-06-28 20:46:51
回复:CPT Part time
glueck2014-06-28 21:31:00
谢谢八老师的回复。已注册了FULLTIME. 现在就是EMPLOYER不知怎样才能显示是PART-TIME? 因为现在是SUMM
8632112014-06-28 21:48:09
回复:谢谢八老师的回复。已注册了FULLTIME. 现在就是EMPLOYER不知怎样才能显示是PART-TIME? 因为现在是S