chicago2014-08-14 20:49:11
请教8老师,皮老师,为父母申请绿卡时申请AP的I-131表, 1) 因为PAGE2最下端为"If you are applying for a non-DACA related Advance Parole Document, skip to Part 7; DACA recipients must complete Part 4 before skipping to Part 7"(属PART3),那么PAGE3最上端(同属PART3)PART3ITEM5是否还要打叉。 2) 同样原因PART4还须填写吗? 3) 因为在I-131Instruction 第4页上有"You seek to travel abroad for 'urgent humanitarian reasons' or in furtherance of a 'significant public benefit', which may include a personal or family emergency or bona fide business reasons."; 第5页上有"Travel for vacation is not a valid purpose"; 第8页上有"(a) A letter from your physician explaining the nature of your medical condition, the specific medical treatment to be sought outside of the US, and a brief explanation why travel outside the U.S. is medically necessary; or (b) Documentation of a family member's serious illness or death." 附加材料还真要准备中/美医生的证明信件或亲属生病的医院证明吗? 申请AP只是以防万一父母身体有病或国内有急事处理。 pjiang老师有"I-131 之样板信"贴子, 如果只是照此样板出示这样一封自写书信标明理由为处理房产可以通过吗。 太谢谢了。
8632112014-08-15 00:13:52
chicago2014-08-15 05:17:19