everconer2004-11-18 16:54:42
Just want to share some experience with you guys who are
applying for PR to Canada.

Here is my timeline:
June 2003: sent out my application;
July 2003: got the first letter;
April 2004: got the 2nd letter having finger prints and MEs,
I did mine in May at Canada and my wife did hers in China in
July 2004: Paid the landing fee;
Oct 2004: Got the 3rd letter asking for passports;
Nov 2004: got the visa and planning to land in Dec before Xmas.

Some tips:
1, Don't need any agent to help you, you can do all stuff by yourself
just following the instructions;

2, Fax the office knowing any change of your status: address...etc
with a well-written cover letter. For instance, my wife is not
with me in Canada. So I explained why she couldn't do ME together
with me from the same doctor and why she didn't need to do finger
prints, instead, I supplied the newly updated "no criminal record".

Good luck to you all,
