看到很多华人成为公民以后给父母申请绿卡,然后马上办了加州白卡,还有红蓝卡,(我在加州),但是看了半天移民法也没弄明白到底给他们申请MediCal是否合法, 因为我是sponsor, 他们收入在计算是否qualify时要不要算我的收入, 我一年有10万收入。有的说可以,有的说不可以。网上到处不同说法。
首先,我是一定要做合法的事,不要因为我签了affidavit of support, 后来算public charge, 要赔钱或是坐牢。 买商业的医疗保险,算了算每月两人至少要1200以上, 对我还是很大负担,请大家帮忙。
Sometimes. Under “immigrant sponsor deeming,” the income and resources of the immigrant’s sponsor are considered, or “deemed,” to be available to the sponsored immigrant when he or she applies for certain public benefits, such as food stamps, TANF, and SSI. In some states, deeming also may be relevant for immigrants applying for federal Medicaid or CHIP.
这里只说了联邦的Medicaid, 加州的MediCal应该是同一类型,但我没看明白。