bryanmeow2014-12-30 00:10:27
绿色小草2014-12-30 01:55:21
去urgent care
绿色小草2014-12-30 01:56:55
urgent care比ER快,省钱!除非他们高烧或心脏病突发。
绿色小草2014-12-30 01:59:54
另外,你可以在你的医疗保险上加上他们,如不行,打电话给Blue Cross BlueShield。他们有半年的计划
schweine_srq2014-12-30 03:19:07
The difference between ER and Urgent Care.
bryanmeow2014-12-30 17:46:28
Thanks, just wondering if the ER made your prepay for the servic
bryanmeow2014-12-30 17:48:04
We are on company medical plan, don't think there's an option to
bryanmeow2014-12-30 17:50:22
Thanks, what kinda price difference are we talking about?
schweine_srq2014-12-30 20:52:51
It is impossible to add your parents to your
schweine_srq2014-12-30 20:57:05
They billed later and
bryanmeow2014-12-30 21:36:56
was the bill address to your name or your parents name?
schweine_srq2014-12-31 02:49:56
Your parents' name.
迷糊桃纸2014-12-31 21:03:24
bryanmeow2014-12-31 21:51:39