这里所谓的public charge就是means-tested benefits吧。就是说通过奥巴马care花钱可以给父母买医保?我查了一下,两人一个月一共800-2000,而且是这里最大的医保公司,我觉得要是可以买到的话还是很不错的。虽然必须一年一年的买,但是每个月2000要是能买到家人团聚和解决医疗的后顾之忧,还是很值得的。就是不知道我理解的对不对。
Lawfully present immigrants can apply for health coverage. Immigration information entered into the Marketplace will be used for administration of the Marketplace and insurance affordability programs only. People who aren’t applying for health coverage don’t need to provide their citizenship or immigration status.
Use of coverage obtained through the Marketplace or insurance affordability programs won’t affect a person who’s in the process of becoming a lawful permanent resident (green card holder) and won’t be considered a public charge. A public charge is an individual who is likely to become primarily dependent on the government for subsistence, as demonstrated by either the receipt of public cash assistance for income maintenance or institutionalization for long-term care at government expense.