tongNyang2015-03-11 20:38:09
LD TN 转成B2,H1B 排期到了,B2 申请EAD 的可能性多大?会拒吗?多久会批?多谢。
-What kind of EAD do he/she want to apply for, H-4 based? Then, he/she needs to change the status to H-4 to apply for the EAD (can do both at the same time).

Can she apply for EAD based on B2? The base line is that she can work during 485 process. Thanks.
8632112015-03-12 00:58:39
tongNyang2015-03-12 03:48:58
谢谢8大师。B2 EAD 同时与485 file,需要多久?找工作正在进行中.....