再次请教8老师, 移民局的来信说:
Your Form I-693 report of medical examination and vaccination record has expired. FormI-693 must be submitted in a sealed envelope.
All foreign documents submitted in support of an application or petition must include complete translation into English. In addition, there must be a certification from the translator indicating that the translation is complete and accurate and attesting to his or her competence as a translator. The translator must be a person not interested in the outcome of the decision on the application.
A letter from the appropriate registrar stating that the document is not available is required before USCIS will accept secondary evidence. If primary evidence is not available, and if this fact is certified by the issuing authority, secondary evidence may be accepted. Furthermore, secondary evidence (e.g., school records, baptismal certificates, etc.) is also in conjunction with primary evidence that carries little probative value like a delayed birth certificate. Notarial certificates are not primary evidence so please provide photocopies of the actual documents used to obtain the notarial certificates such as birth certificates and marriage certificates
以上内容就是指移民体检与免疫预防记录一事,对吗?第2,3 段的文字把我弄糊涂了?特此求教。 谢谢!