baiyunpiao122015-06-22 03:12:55

本人两年前规划美国公民,儿子还未办美国公民和美国护照,现已超过18岁, 想改个名字, 不知实否得通过file N-600取得公民纸才能改名字? 各位有这种相似的经验吗? 多谢!

8632112015-06-22 04:40:12
baiyunpiao122015-06-22 16:27:57
Thank you very much. when we file N-600, my son needs to take oa
8632112015-06-22 16:40:31
No oath is needed for the minor child.
菁菁2015-06-22 16:43:11
我儿子是在file N-400 时改的名字。超过18岁,可以用N-600 吗?
8632112015-06-22 20:06:44
Yes if you became US citizen before he turned 18.