不太明白要干吗2004-11-24 18:20:26

The employer also must inform workers of the intent to hire a foreign worker by posting the completed LCA, Form ETA 9035 or Form ETA 9035E for the position. The posting must occur within the 30 day period preceding the date that the form is submitted to the DOL. Posting may occur in one of two methods: hard copy or electronic notice. The hard copy notice must be given to the bargaining representative for workers in the occupation or, if there is no bargaining representative, be posted for 10 consecutive days in at least two conspicuous locations at each place of employment where any H-1B nonimmigrant will be employed. The electronic notice must be distributed at each place of employment where any H-1B nonimmigrant will be employed. Distribution can be by whatever means the employer normally communicates with its employees (e-mail, bulletin board, and home webpage). A copy of the LCA must also be provided to each H-1B nonimigrant.
mems2004-11-25 03:09:43
What's the problem?