shandong492015-10-14 03:21:07


我去年sponsor我母亲申请绿卡,于今年3月份拿到了绿卡。现在办父亲绿卡,在填 I-864表时,AS SPONSOR , 有几个问题,想和8老师确认一下:

1. PART 3.    1. I am sponsoring the principal immigrant named in Part 2:

  选 : YES ?

2. PART 3.    2. I am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time or within six months of the principal immigrant named in Part 2.

Leave blank,  不 check this item?.  不需要把我母亲填入 FAMILY MEMBER 1  ?

3. PART 3.   28 : TOTAL number of immigrant you are sponsoring :

        It's 1 ?

4.  PART 5.    5. If you have any other dependants,

    Leave blank ?     我母亲不算dependant ?

5. PART 5.     6. If you have sponsored any other persons on form I-864 :

 It's 1 ?   我母亲算  1.

6. My husband will file I-864A, 需不需要交我们的结婚公证?



8632112015-10-14 18:55:23
shandong492015-10-14 19:12:34
8老师, 再問一個問題!!!
8632112015-10-15 01:25:17
shandong492015-10-15 15:49:00
Thank you!