keqiuma2015-12-21 00:06:21

前天收到 移民局的给我母亲的request for additional evidence 。

certified copy of your birth certificate along with  a full English translations, evidencing that XX(我的名字) is your biological daughter.(the translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate, and that he/she is competent to translate. You must submit both the foreign language document and the english translation.)

昨天又收到 移民局的给我的request for additional evidence。

certified copy of your birth certificate along with  a full English translations, evidencing that XX(我母亲) is your biological mother.(the translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate, and that he/she is competent to translate. You must submit both the foreign language document and the english translation.)

以上两封信都要将这个request 做cover letter 和需要提供的文件。


1, 给我的信,我提供我的出生公证。给我母亲的信,也是提供一份我的出生公证吗?我母亲的出生公证也不能证明我们母女的关系。

2, 这两封信有可能是让我做户口本公证吗?



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keqiuma2015-12-21 17:00:45