b2ok2016-01-17 20:42:50

公司律师发来一份问卷(不是网上申请TN 的DS-160),上面基本要求所有的过去在美国的出入境记录。现在在CBP网上只能查到过去5年的历史,那么5年以上的怎么处理,是只提供能查到的记录,还是我需要提供过去所有我自己(尤其是过期)护照上的记录吗?过去的护照上有CBP盖的章,但是我的I-94早没了。我在美国持过F-1(2000年以前,不是2000yrs ago, lol),后来移民走了,重新拿别的学位,找到现在的工作。


Do I need to provide entry/arrival/visa records for past 5 years only, or do I have to provide ALL history even if the records can not be retrieved online and they were on previous passports? Do I need to disclose everything? This relates to my previous education which can’t be used to qualify for this job. I have other degrees that meet requirements.



8632112016-01-18 04:35:57
b2ok2016-01-18 13:16:56
Thanks!!! So, I only need to print it off from CBP webpage, and