ysye2004-11-29 21:50:51
I heard from the previous postings that if you use AP to re-enter US after visiting China, and return to the same H1-B employer, you can still keep your H1-B status. But I asked two immigration lawyers and both said that using AP to re-enter US will automatically invalidate your H1-B status. Can anyone tell me exactly where to look to find the "right" information about the use of AP? There has been too much confusion on this. Thanks in advance.
qqq5552004-11-29 23:10:17
my lawyer said differently
topsun2004-11-30 00:13:17
you can use either one
pending.2004-11-30 00:58:21
I did not travel when 485 was
sqgs2004-11-30 01:26:56
回复:About H1-B and AP
qqq5552004-11-30 01:49:04
NoNeedWorr2004-11-30 03:01:48
NoNeedWorr2004-11-30 03:03:04
-us,and2004-11-30 03:23:02
you already lost your H1b stat