雪山梅花2016-02-25 15:51:29

8 老师,你好!

紧急问题!我己经在美国工作9年了,先用TN/2009开始用H1B,绿卡排期刚要到,去年9月失业。我去年10月递交 I-485 for marriage green card. 今年一月收到EAD. 

Can I apply unemployment insurance? Will it effect on the green card process?


8632112016-02-25 19:54:23
雪山梅花2016-02-25 23:36:57
8老师,谢谢回复!right now,they ask me resident card, I don't have it. I
8632112016-02-25 23:44:12
Provide the EAD for unemployment benefit application.
雪山梅花2016-02-26 14:34:05
8 老师,Thank you very much! Hope it will not effect on my case pro