PIPI77882016-07-19 22:18:44


我的H1B extension递交的时候同时递交了老公和女儿的H4 extension, 我的批准后显示的due date 是2018年七月底,这个没有错,我们的申请都于2015年11月批了下来。因女儿2016年二月底满21岁,所以她的due date 是她的生日,但是老公的due date 也被订到女儿21岁生日那天,是否不对?我理解他的应该和我的due date 是同一天?

所以去年年底我们去了当地的uscis和officer面谈,她帮我们递了一个inquiry,要求纠正,we submitted a Typographical Error Corrections Request for your form I-539,可是一直到二月底还是没有得到回复,于是我又打电话再次inquiry,终于在6/9/16 收到email回复:

Below is a summary of what we found and how the issue has been or may be resolved. 

On 06/07/2016, after you inquired concerning your I-539, case; a check of our electronic systems indicated your case was approved on 11/03/2015, and your Approval Notice was sent to the address of record.  Your Approval Notice was returned as undeliverable. 

Also note, the Informational Error of your concern was addressed by the adjudicating officer; per the I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status Instruction you may include your spouse and your unmarried children under age 21, years as co-applicants on your application.  You may refer to the I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status Instruction for additional information.    

但是我们一直没有收到纠正以后的h4, 请问我们下一步应该怎么办?

现在我们全家在等485的最后审批,所以每个人都有EAD, 但是2016年9月初就过期了,我没有用EAD,在用 H1B工作,我女儿在用EAD读community college,这个h4 的问题会不会影响到全家的EAD extension application?


8632112016-07-19 23:01:26
PIPI77882016-07-20 18:49:26
谢谢8老师!再问女儿ead renew 期间可以上学吗?
8632112016-07-20 18:59:06
Yes. EAD is irrelevant to the school attendance.
PIPI77882016-07-20 20:52:05
I really appreciate all your help!