ice_tea2016-10-18 03:46:30

因为我的收入不够suppose 我的spouse。我虽然在申请表130上填写了assets, 但没有提供证据。请问关于房产的证据,是不是每年的county property tax notice就行了?还是最好准备一个 licensed appraisal?

移民局的信上的original text:

Evidence of ownership, a recent licensed appraisal or county tax assessment, and any mortgage/lien or lien release of any real estate.

这里的"county tax assessment, 我想就是 property tax notice,是吗?由于我的house is pretty cheap, 在此我想做一个appraisal 应该价格高一点,对我更有利?另外最后一种,mortgage/lien是什么?

谢谢任何 建议!


8632112016-10-19 04:21:18
ice_tea2016-10-19 14:34:39
thanks 8老师!我没有pay off loan,但记得我咋申请的时候只要