We had an local office interview for my family 485 (major on me based on employment ) last month. That interview immigration asked my hu*****and if he have ever been arrested before. He said no. He thought his arrestment case (due to fight with me) was dimissed so no record exists any more. But the officer mention that my hu*****and lie to him.
Finally the officer ask us to provide the folloing docs:
1. hubby's arrestment certified court disposition
2. certified copy of TRA tax return
3. certified Daughter's birth certificate (she was born here in usa this year).
I have a company hired attorny who is in missippi for my 485 and i am in boston, so that interview, he was not there.
After interview, we talked this to my attorny, and he said he will withdraw my hu*****and case and only represent me and my son. He let me send him docs:
2. certified copy of TRA tax return
3. certified Daughter's birth certificate (she was born here in usa this year).
He will send them to the boston local office.
He also recommend me let my hubby to hire a local officer to represent him . he gives us the attorny name to touch with.
I myself had a free appointment with a local attorny and his suggestion to our case is that:
Just send these docs the officer requested to the local office and mail them as a certified return receipt. he said if denied, then hire him to help us. he said right now we don't need spend money for our case. he said if we hired him now, just watse money.
So now, I am really confused, which attorny's suggestion is better for us? My missippi attorney or the lcoal attorney?
by the way, tomorrow, I will see the local attorny (which I had a free appointment before) to bring him my hubby's court disposition. Should I ask his opinion about my current attorny suggestion about my hu*****and case?
I would like to hear your opinion.
Thanks for your help.