thankyou9992004-12-02 18:28:30
Does someone here know that what kind of diseases are not qulified for green card application like liver diseases..(yi3 gan1 da4 san1 yang2, yi3 gan1 xiao3 san1 yang2), if there are some restrictions, then I don't want to stay in US any more since there is no hope for someone like me and completely waste my time.
Really appreciate your answers, please point me in the right direction stay or leave when I am still young and might find good position in China.

Thank you in advance!!!
你可以移民的2004-12-02 18:31:23
ieieiei2004-12-02 20:25:02
not true
immigrate2004-12-02 20:59:16
He/she was right
已经通过了2004-12-02 21:04:30
HepBvirus2004-12-02 21:24:23
One important issue here is
youidot2004-12-02 22:55:13
HIV, not HBV
真是够呛!2004-12-03 15:26:35
da2004-12-06 14:56:09
回复:One important issue here is