FrSpain2017-08-03 13:02:18

根据Cotton等提出的新移民法,要砍掉F4等家庭移民。下面是新法全文及effective date摘要。请问,这是说,如果新法通过,已经在排期的F4,将不会受新法影响被砍掉,是吗?但是我不敢确信 “any application for an immigrant visa based on such a petition“ 该怎么解释。在排期的Visa 属于 application阶段还是 Approved?

(e) Effective Date; Applicability.—

(1) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the first day of the first fiscal year that begins after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) INVALIDITY OF CERTAIN PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS.—Any petition under section 204 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1154) seeking classification of an alien under a family-sponsored immigrant category that was eliminated by the amendments made by this section and filed after the date on which this Act was introduced and any application for an immigrant visa based on such a petition shall be considered invalid.

wandlerland2017-08-03 16:52:59
Co-Ask. Please help!
yaya982017-08-04 02:26:03
同问。等待批准的受影响吗?不同center的processing time 差很多。Thank you!
st.paul2017-08-04 04:50:04
RAISE ACT 不是"新法"或者已经通过的法律, 一个提案不是
FrSpain2017-08-06 14:14:49