helphelp!2004-12-03 19:45:02
Just be laid off. Is there anyone knows how to keep the H1 visa? I
prefer not transfer to any other visas because I heard if I transfer
to other visas, when I get another job, I need to get a new H1. Thank
you so much for any suggestion!
paycheck2004-12-03 21:26:03
回复:Laid off - how to keep H1 visa
helphelp2004-12-03 21:47:49
回复:回复:Laid off - how to keep H1 visa
ITITITITIT2004-12-03 22:12:57
回复:回复:回复:Laid off - how to kee
afsbbs2004-12-04 03:00:02
回复:Laid off - how to keep H1 visa