sunlightusa2017-09-20 21:33:26

首先谢谢8老师两天前的回复。I am thinking to let my kid come and stay to wait for his green card in USA during his summer vocation next year, Guess there would be only one month for him . Here are some more questions :

1)  Is enough for us to get the green card? Usually how long time to get a green card for family"s immigrant?

2)  Can we apply the AP(advance patrole) for my son at the same time when we aplly the green card? Then we can save time for my son.

3)  How long time it would take to get the visa to enter the US?  For example, my son will come USA in July, what is the best time for us to start the aapplication of the visa?

Looking forward to your reply....

8632112017-09-21 19:26:06