helpneeded2004-12-04 16:40:26
My 485 pending at Nebraska center overdue for more than 4 months. My receipt date is in Jan. 2002. Current process date is May 31, 2002. I already done FP for twice. The 2nd one done in last Oct. is going to expired in Jan. 2005. Last Oct. USCIS request additional information - Current employer letter. I submitted (through lawyer) tiemly. Since then, I head nothing from USCIS. I called customer service in early Oct. this year, I was told that due to "caseload" at their center, my application need more time. Does anyone have similar situation? It is terriblle for me. Thanks.
unlucky2004-12-05 00:20:34
回复:Help! 485 pending at Nebras
beijinxx2004-12-05 08:27:37
I am EB3 02/02 still pending
beijinxx2004-12-05 08:33:30
one possible reason is that
helpneeded2004-12-05 16:44:17
回复:Help! 485 pending at Nebraska
Wait!2004-12-11 06:50:37
Not Everyone Like Your Friend
JustGuess2004-12-11 07:42:57
Passed FBI Check