谢谢 8老师之前的解疑。我打电话问过NVC了关于为什么我没看到DS-261表,他们说现在online process没有这一步了。
新问题1:我准备的材料,包括父母出生公证,结婚公证是不是都只要公证处出具的公证就可以了。譬如说, 结婚公证,我除了提供结婚公证外,还要提供那张中文的结婚纸嘛?(出生证明我都不清楚有没有那张纸,只有出生公证了)
新问题2:Upload civil document的时候, found the following two unclear (these are required document for my mom)
a. Petitioner's marriage certificate - I'm divorced twice and single now (I meaning myself). Do I need to upload my entire degree for both divorce and just the last one? And the entire Degree??
b. Photograph - This should be my mom's photograph, but do I use a passport photo and print it out and scan and upload?
It is confusing because these two requirements are not in the general requirements outlined here:
Thanks so much!