pleasehlp2003-11-06 16:05:00
I am sharing my personal experience here, wish you learn sth. from my case and also give me some advice.

I came to US on F1 visa, completed my master on May 2002.

May 16, my OPT expired.
May 14, I filed change of status F1-F2.
July 26, TSC mailed me a RFE, but the mail
distribution center in our university lost
the RFE, so I failed to response.
Aug 26, TSC denied my application because failed to
response. Give me one month to file motion to
reopen the case.
Sep 08 File the first Motion to reopen.
Sep 22 TSC dismissed the motion because ISO officer
prepared the cover letter instead of me(Applicant)
Sep 24 File the second motion to reopen the case.
The cover letter and everything were signed by
Oct 24 Denied my motion to reopen without reason. Just
said no new decision be entered. The voluntary
departure may be coming also, cannot sure right

The ISO officer was shocked by this decision and they never met this situation before. So they suggested me to find a lawyer to appeal. At the same time, I got an I-20 for spring 2004, and may got a staff position job offer in a university soon.

I have a few questions, wish you could sharing your experienc with me if you met same situation before.

1. What might be the best way for me?

A. Appeal my F1-F2
B. File the reinstatement of F1 since I got an I-20 for spring.
C. File H1 Application if I will get that offer?

2. If I get the voluntary departure, what do you think will be better for me for staying here, hire a lawyer to help me or leave USA, go back to china to try to get a visa.

Thank you.

2Professio2003-11-06 16:21:00
this is way to complicate
sdfsdfsdff2003-11-06 16:48:00
回复:Out of status,
pleasehlp2003-11-06 17:15:00
Not the situation.
headbig2003-11-06 20:36:00
I would try 3rd country h1b1
visa,asap2003-11-07 03:16:00
Find a lawyer or 3rd country
小心决定2003-11-11 10:02:00
回复:Out of status, help wanted!