1. Nonimmigrant Visa Number from this passport(if any) ?
My mother's current 10-yr Visa is on an expired passport, so the number is printed on the expired passport, should I put this number here or leave it blank ?
2. For I-485 required documents, do I need all I-94 records or just the most recent record ?
3. Part 1, "US mailing address, In Care of Name (if any)" should I put my mother's name or leave it blank ? (My mom is currently living with me).
4. Part 8, "Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way associated with any organization, association, fund, foundation, party, club, society, or similar group in the United States or in any other location in the world including any military service?"
老母50年前曾是部队野战医院的护士,还有也在部队机场后勤部工作过, 在"Nature of Group"这一栏填什么?
是填 "Military"? 还是填“Medical Service for Military" or "Logistics Service for Military"