Joy002022-01-16 21:25:58

我情况较简单. no for all bad behavior questions and yes for if you will do questions。


Additional evidence you want to provide

You can provide additional documents that support your application and help explain any of your responses on the application. If you want to provide additional evidence now, upload any documents below. You can also bring the documents to your naturalization interview.
st.paul2022-01-16 21:56:54
What is your question?
Joy002022-01-16 22:14:25
是否要upload Additional evidence?
st.paul2022-01-17 02:11:31
Ok without uploading additional evident if you are not sure.
Joy002022-01-17 05:05:22
请教8老师, could you confirm if need provide "Additional evidence yo
8632112022-01-17 05:24:40
Not need if you don't have additional evidence to provide.