Publicassistance2004-12-14 22:57:48

I have two questions on an item on I-485 form. There is question

Have you received public assistance in the U.S. from any source,
including the U.S. government or any state, county, city or
municipality (other than emergency medical treatment), or are you
likely to receive public assistance in the future?

Q1. I am a foreign student and am now taking ChildCare Subsidy from my
school (a public school) that is for helping student parents to pay for
Child Care and so to concentrate on their studies. Is this considered
as a "public assistance"? Do I have to answer "Yes" on I-485 form?

Q2. I am considering applying for assistance (both for ChildCare and
for low-income family) from YMCA next year. Will this be considered as
a "public assistance"? Do I have to answer "Yes" on I-485 form?

Q3. Is there anywhere I can check the explanation of "public assistance"?

Thank you in advance.


2Publicass2004-12-14 23:27:27
回复:I-485 Question:
别吓自己2004-12-15 00:04:15
Goahead.2004-12-15 02:19:21
Go ahead. Do not worry.