starlife_012004-12-21 00:56:23

Hi, if you are not interested in applying for GC by yourself, please do not waste your time to read.

Two package based on NIW and Outstanding Research for sale. Before it, I need to tell you some about my cases. I did two application of GC based on NIW and OR and made all material without lawyer. Of course, I bought some letters of recommendation here and spend about a lot of $$ to ask different Americans (the person who are focusing on modification of others) to modify the letters and statements. My qualification is some publications, citation, and awards. I guess you are more interested in the results. Here it is: both of my cases were approved, NIW was earlier than OR. Actually, I planned to withdrew the OR after I got GC, however, it was approved before I got time to do it. The main reason for them approved, I guess, is that all letters are powerful ---because I spent a lot of time and $$ on them and used almost beautiful and huge words. Anyway, all above is true. Here I hope to sell all my material to those who want to do it by themselves. One I can get some $$ back and another reason is that I can help others out.
The two packages (NIW and OR) include: 1) Statement, 2) real letters of recommendation, (for the statement and letter, you absolutely can use most of the words in them. They are huge and powerful, and also different in different letters for NIW or OR), 3) the points how to sell yourself (this is very, very important, even you do not buy mine, I still need to mention you to spend a bunch of time on it. This part may be the pitch and consistent in your application kits), 4) the format to show your impact, 5) a list of all other material, 6) the format how to fill out the I140 and 485 form (these are very easy ones. Only for your reference), 7) a up to 20 pages argument (if you do not get RFE and apply for GC first time, it does not be included. However, when you get one, I will provide it for you. Also if you have RFE, I will give it to you separately). The package costs $50-100. If you are interested, email me at
You always get what you pay for, like what I did.
也想自己办!2004-12-21 02:08:45
回复:NIW/OR whole package-do GC by
绿卡,第一次2004-12-21 03:12:00
Thankyou!2004-12-21 04:37:08
瑁没2004-12-21 14:43:19
passby6662004-12-21 19:02:13
lawer is not helpful!
GCwaiting82004-12-21 19:04:57
I agree!
major?thx2004-12-21 21:08:10
Could you tell me what is your
Starlife_012004-12-21 22:41:15
why didn't you see the cases
starlif_012004-12-21 23:11:52
1) Sure, less money than a