duoduo2004-12-22 16:08:28
请热心人士帮忙!! 我随我老公申绿卡, outstanding ability 那种. 移民局通知要additional evidence.原文如下:
"Birth Certificate: Submit a copy of your civilly registered birth
certificate that reflects a timely registration and indicates both parents'
full names. Provide the foreign language document, along with an English
因我以提供出生公证, 所以实在不知要提供what, where to find. I told the lawyer we didn't have birth certificate in China in 1970s, and the lawyer called 移民局 and asked them. 移民局said "then prove there was no such thing in China at that time". I'm so much confused now. Does anyone have similar situation? Where I should go for the proof in China? Very Urgent!! Please help
IDK2004-12-22 16:29:29
回复:Birth Certificate for I-485
duoduo2004-12-22 16:37:59
回复:回复:Birth Certificate for I-485
duoduo2004-12-22 18:00:24
回复:回复:Birth Certificate for I-485
duoduo2004-12-22 19:24:58
ItisWeird~2004-12-22 19:38:02
I have no idea then...Maybe
chmbjx2004-12-22 20:21:50
duoduo2004-12-22 20:36:22
chmbjx2004-12-22 21:05:23
pandongf2004-12-23 01:43:11