fashionsav2004-12-29 01:55:17
Hi, Everyone,

I am a Canadian. I just got a contract offer from IBM NY. Since this is a contract, high pay, if I pay tax in Canada, need to pay lots money. But if I close everthing in Canada and don't pay tax in Canada. If I want to come back later, someone told me there will be some trouble.

How could I do? Really appreciate your advise.

Youshould2004-12-29 02:55:32
Do not be so greedy!
善意提醒2004-12-29 03:02:54
老兄,是owe Canada,不是own Canada
现在他又变成美国2004-12-29 03:05:08
ImmCanada2004-12-29 16:56:49
回复:got offer from IBM NY,confu