veryhappy2004-12-30 14:42:59
My green card is approved. I applied through marriage. I submited the form in the middel of March, 2004. I had my interview on 12/28/2004. It only took us 15 minutes. I can not imagine it was so easy. It is the best gift for the new year to me. Wish all of you a good luck in the coming new year.
Congrat2004-12-30 15:47:13
回复:green card approved
xyzbog2004-12-30 20:27:45
Con! What questions they asked
veryhappy2005-01-03 17:11:58
回复:Con! What questions they asked
xyzbog2005-01-03 23:41:53
回复:回复:Con! What questions they
xyzbog2005-01-03 23:45:11
非常感谢veryhappy, your info is
veryhappy2005-01-04 17:37:04
good luck
xyzbog2005-01-05 00:00:11
谢谢veryhappy, 还有一问题请教,您提到
xyzbog2005-01-05 00:01:57
您是自己办的么? 还是请律师?