Yuyan2005-01-02 00:30:32
From where we stand today it looks like so-called Family reunion is just a propaganda used to attract working age immigrants to Canada. We reproach ourselves everyday about how naive we were to believe the information the Canadian Government gave us on its web sits for years that parents could reunite with their children in a short period of time. Now we are facing a harsh reality that we might never see our parents again and we are suffering because of this. The Canadian Immigration System has let us down.
This petition is our attempt to draw attention of the society at large to our grave situation created by the refusal of the Government of Canada to allow our family to join us in our new homeland. Canada has a reputation of being a humanitarian country. It publicly worries about human rights and democracy in other countries. We think it is a hypocritical to criticize other governments for not helping their poor, while Canada itself does not allow its citizens to help their parents in the most basic way of all, by physically being by their side.

(if you agree with our opinion and support us, please contact Jenia Demidovby by her email: jenia20@hotmail.com)