camprn2005-01-04 21:14:47
Nurse Immigration Issues after 1/1/05
作者 nurseDora

I have 4 years experience as a Rn in a hospital. I am now charge nurse and
team leader. I wish I could share some of my experience here.
I have a feeling that this is only temporary situation.

EB3 is backloged because there are so many cases pending. The INS needs time
to finish them. Nursing is one of the career in the category EB3.
There are a great demanding for nurses on job market. A lot of hospitals
could not run without the foreign nurses supply. The INS knows that very
well. I personally believe the INs will speed the EB3.

In case you have to wait for a couple of years, you do not know whether a
hospital would wait for you or not. Let's see this.

1. No foreign-educated nurses could come.
2. The number for American citizen or GC holder who get RN licenses are far
from the demanded.
3. only Canadian nurses and Mexico nurses could come on special visas. We
could elimiated the Mexico nurses because there are not many.

The nursing supply for the USA hopitals are greatly cut due to this new
policy. Not to mention the nursing homes, doctor's offices, clinics,insurance
companies, school health care centers, and etc.

When I was in nursing school, I was doing my clinicals on my current floor.
All of the categories were backloged for chinese then. So I asked the nurse
manager whether she would wait for me for a couple of years if she would hire
me. I got answer" No problem".
That backlog turned around quickly anyway, and I did not need to wait at all
after I graduated.

So you never know whether a hospatal would wait you or not unless you find out
yourself. Why wouldn't they want to wait? They do not have nurses anyway.

On this pass Saturday I was working and doing charge. That was the new year
day. Another near-by hopspital was on the Code red diversion, which means
that this hopspital ER or floor couldn't take any patient. So our ER was
overwhlemed. We were very busy too. I had to keep two RNs on call in case we
need them. Usually I only put one RN on call. The reason fot th Code is
simply no nurses.
If I remember correctly, All of the immigration categories for chinese were
backlogged before March, 2000. So when I started the nursing school, I knew
that I could use the OPT only. I did talk to my current manager about having
to stay home for at least two years after OPT due to the visa issues. She had
no problem with it. However, all categories were current by the time I
graduated from the nursing program.
niy382005-01-05 18:58:33
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