DecMum2005-01-04 21:39:48
记得你说过Toronto签证的事情。我们的情况是,去年拿到加拿大PR并登陆去toronto签证,拿到multiple entry 一直到h1/h4 expired,may/2005. 现在我们正在等待h1/h4 extention. 我的问题是如果我们拿到新的h1/h4,再去renew我们的visa, 有没有risk. 我们登陆了,可是并没有在加拿大住。去签证是要不要给vo看bank statment or 电话账单什么的。谢谢
田铭2005-01-04 22:00:48
visa in Toronto
may1500802005-01-04 22:37:00
my problem
tianming-2005-01-04 22:50:10
回复: visa in Toronto
may1500802005-01-04 23:03:56
Thanks for your reply
wjsophia2005-01-05 02:37:05
sorry, i have a question for u
DecMum2005-01-05 03:41:24
Thank you Tianming
may1500802005-01-05 04:58:27
回复:sorry, i have a question for u
may1500802005-01-05 05:11:35
To DecMum